Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Laser Hair Removal Schaumburg, IL

Shaving and waxing can both be a hassle and cause pain, but laser hair removal is an alternative and more effective solution to hair removal. Many people are turning to this approach to remove unsightly or unwanted hair. This long-term method may become permanent depending on the individual and the number of treatment sessions.

It is important to note that the results are not instant, but take place over the course of the few days and weeks following a treatment session. Typically, the doctor treats one area at a time, and larger areas are often broken up into sections. Smaller sections may take several minutes to treat, while larger sections can take hours.

Depending on the size of the area treated, it can take a few months to see the complete finished product, although the wait can be well worth it to eliminate the need to shave, pluck, bleach, or wax ever again. Some results last a lifetime while others may need a touch-up treatment from time to time. What you can expect depends on your individual situation.

Recommended treatment schedule based on success rate

While this procedure may lead to a state of permanent hair loss in the treated area, it does not happen in one session. The laser targets the hair follicles to destroy the follicle and eliminate the regrowth of hair. To do this, more than one session is necessary. Between sessions, hair continues to grow but it returns softer and thinner than before.

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery recommends people receive laser hair removal treatments every four to eight weeks depending on hair growth, with a total of three to eight sessions for optimal results that may lead to permanent hair removal. The continuous sessions make it possible to target hairs that were in a different growth timeline than the other follicles already targeted, providing comprehensive hair removal over the course of several sessions.

Situations when laser hair removal is not permanent

While this treatment is effective at targeting and eliminating hair growth, there are instances when the removal is not permanent. This regrowth can be because of several factors. Discuss all options with the doctor so you have a clearer picture of what to expect in your case.

Some hair receives better results

Individuals with dark hair and light skin have seen better results with laser hair removal than those with light hair or dark skin. This procedure targets the pigment in hair follicles, which makes darker hairs the most likely candidates for optimal results. Coarse hair is also a good candidate for permanent removal. This includes underarm hair, pubic hair, and chest hair in men. Light-colored hairs can still be targeted by the laser but have lower success rates than darker hairs.

Health conditions may prevent permanency

There are some cases when individuals with certain health conditions do not receive permanent hair loss with laser hair removal procedures. A study released by the National Institutes of Health notes that people with polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, have difficulty reaching the desired results because of the hormone imbalance that causes the growth of excess hair. This causes the hair to continue growing despite laser treatments. That does not mean each person with PCOS cannot receive permanent hair loss with laser treatments, but it is something to be aware of before scheduling an appointment.

Skilled technicians and damaged hairs

The effectiveness of laser hair removal also depends on the skill level of the technician. A technician aims to completely destroy the hair follicle to prevent the hair from growing. If the technician makes an error and only damages the hair follicle, rather than destroying it, the hair will grow back. For this reason, it is important to work with a reputable professional who is licensed, certified, and experienced in the area of hair removal.


Some people want to remove unwanted hair from the body and often resort to shaving or waxing, which can be both painful and ineffective. Fortunately, laser hair removal offers a long-term solution that may become permanent with enough treatment sessions as long as your hair can be effectively targeted by the laser. To ensure your results last as long as you are hoping, talk with the doctor first about any underlying conditions you have or medications you may be taking. They can also help you develop realistic expectations based on the areas you want to have treated.

Are you considering laser hair removal in the Schaumburg area? Get more information at

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