Is a Brazilian Butt Lift Right for Me?

Brazilian-Butt-Lift Have you heard? The Brazilian Butt Lift isn’t just a great way to boost your booty – it’s also one of the most popular cosmetic surgery treatments. In fact, the procedure has become so popular that the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) named 2015 “the year of the Brazilian Butt Lift”!

There’s a compelling reason for its popularity. Unlike traditional buttock augmentation – which uses implants to achieve projection – the Brazilian Butt Lift uses a patient’s own fat to augment the size and shape of the buttocks. There are many advantages to the Brazilian Butt Lift over traditional augmentation, including:

  • Contoured results – Fat is grafted from the areas where we store saturated fat and added to the buttocks. This means that patients will have projection in the buttocks in addition to subtle body contouring effects.
  • Natural appearance – The Brazilian Butt Lift can create more natural results, and disturbed in different areas for projection, than what can be created with silicone implants that is placed one way.


However, just because the Brazilian Butt Lift is a popular treatment doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. How can you determine if a Brazilian Butt Lift is right for you?

  • You should have enough fat to be extracted before the procedure, this fat will be harvested via liposuction and prepared to be injected into the buttocks. Patients who do not have enough fat may need to consider adding more areas for liposuction.
  • You want to increase the volume of your buttocks and add more shape to the buttocks.

The Brazilian Butt Lift is a straightforward procedure with very little downtime; most patients only need 4-7 days to recover. There’s more soreness than pain associated with the recovery, making this a very tolerable procedure. It’s also important to note that you will not be able to directly sit down for 2 weeks after the procedure in order to reduce pressure and avoid interfering with the new shape of your buttocks.

If you still have questions about if a Brazilian Butt Lift is right for you, schedule a consultation at the Schaumburg, IL practice of board-certified plastic surgeon, Paul C. Dillon, MD.

Dr. Dillon’s practice can work with you to determine if you’re a good candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift.

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