Are You a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Despite the fact that popular culture, Hollywood movies, and shows can make many cosmetic procedures extremely well-known, few people understand what a tummy tuck really is. Most people hear about it and have no idea how it can help them. A tummy tuck surgery is also known as an abdominoplasty, which works to remove excess fat and skin and restores weakened or separated muscles in the abdomen. This, in turn, creates an abdominal profile that is both smoother and firmer.

A flat and well-toned abdomen is something that most people strive for and typically try to achieve through weight loss and exercise. However, for some individuals, it is not enough to control their diet and exercise to achieve the goal of a flatter and better-looking abdomen. A tummy tuck is an excellent option for individuals who are unable to get their abdominal profile to look exactly the way they want using exercise and weight control.

Even someone with a normal body weight and proportion can sometimes develop an abdomen that protrudes, is loose, or that sags. In cases like this, an abdominoplasty can help.

Are you a good Tummy Tuck candidate?

It is important to note that a tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss, and will not replace an appropriate exercise program. In addition, a tummy tuck cannot, and will not, correct things like stretch marks. Finally, it is also important for the patient to realize that while the results of a tummy tuck are technically permanent, the patient can get a better and more positive outcome by avoiding significant fluctuations in his or her weight. Patients who are planning substantial weight loss or women who are considering becoming pregnant in the near future may be advised to postpone their tummy tuck until after the weight has been lost, or the baby has been born.

Most patients are eligible to receive a tummy tuck, however, there are some limitations when it comes to age, health, and the ability to recover. In general, the patient may be a good candidate if he or she is physically healthy, has a stable weight profile, has realistic expectations of what a tummy tuck can and cannot achieve, is a non-smoker, and dislikes the appearance of his or her abdomen. It is important that the patient understands the tummy tuck surgery is a highly individualized procedure. In other words, the results will be customized for the patient's goals and expectations.

Schedule a Tummy Tuck Consultation

If you have any questions about the pros and cons of getting a tummy tuck, want to know the cost, would like to understand how you prepare and what the recovery is like, or have any other questions about a tummy tuck surgery your best option is to give us a call at (847) 429-3185, and schedule a consultation where we can answer all of your questions. We will go over everything in detail and make recommendations after an examination.

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