A Quick Guide to Juvéderm® Aftercare

Juvederm Schaumburg, IL

Juvéderm® is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment, but it is still important to take the necessary precautions to achieve the desired results and avoid any complications during the recovery process. This review discusses how to recover after Juvéderm treatment and the steps to take to ensure the results last as long as possible.

How to recover after Juvéderm® filler injections

Juvéderm is a brand-name dermal filler that can reduce wrinkles and fine lines and improve the volume in lips, cheeks, and other areas of the face, among other possible uses. Treatment only takes one short visit, but there are some aftercare tips and instructions your provider may provide to ensure quality results and prevent any issues from developing.

Avoid intense heat or excessive sun exposure

Heat can increase blood flow, which could compromise the results of Juvéderm. Therefore, it is important to reduce exposure to sunlight and prevent any intense heat from targeting the affected area. This ensures the toxins involved with Juvéderm are not negatively impacted, which helps achieve the desired results with minimal discomfort during recovery.

Take precautions to prevent bruising the affected area

The facial skin is more vulnerable to bruising after Juvéderm treatment, particularly in the injection areas. The provider may provide topical solutions to minimize the risk of bruising. It is important to follow the aftercare plan closely to reduce the risk of bruising. This should also include avoiding excessive pressure on the affected area.

Minimize movement of the areas that received treatment

To ensure Juvéderm produces the desired results, it is important to minimize the movement of the affected area. Otherwise, it could lead to complications such as the filler spreading to unintended areas of the skin. It is also encouraged to limit physical activity as much as possible, as well. This reduces the blood pressure in the face and minimizes the risk of compromised results.

Wear sunscreen if out in the sun for an extended time

Sun exposure (UV light) increases blood flow. This can be problematic after Juvéderm treatment. Most providers recommend limiting sun exposure as much as possible for the first 24 to 48 hours. When in the sun, it is also important to wear sunscreen to minimize the impact UV light can have after Juvéderm filler injections are administered.

Avoid sleeping on the affected area

Sleeping on the affected area after injections could cause bruising and less than desirable results. This is due to the fact that not only does it place pressure upon the face, but it also allows for more blood flow. While it is not always easy controlling how you sleep, it is best to do everything possible to sleep on your back.

Juvéderm aftercare FAQs

It is important to discuss aftercare instructions directly with your Juvéderm provider. To help you ask the right questions and gather as much useful information as possible about Juvéderm aftercare and maintaining your results, here are some common patient questions.

How long does Juvéderm last?

Juvéderm lasts between nine and 18 months after the injections. Patients are typically able to receive follow-up injections a year after their last use. Although Juvéderm fillers may be available more often than once per year, it typically is not necessary. It can take up to two weeks for Juvéderm to fully settle and receive the full benefit of treatment.

What should you not do after Juvéderm?

As mentioned, it is important to avoid excessive sun exposure for a while after Juvéderm. It is also important to stay away from intense heat. This includes avoiding saunas, hot showers, or cooking over a hot stove or a grill. Strenuous exercise soon after Juvéderm may also affect the results. Alcohol should also be avoided for at least 24 hours after the injections, as well. Be sure to speak directly with your provider about specific post-injection instructions.

Can I wash my face after Juvéderm?

You should avoid touching your face for up to 12 hours after the filler injections; this includes washing your face in any manner. After the initial period of time following the injections, you can wash your face with a gentle cleanser, making sure not to cause any irritation.

Start the Juvéderm process with a consultation visit

Are you ready to start the Juvéderm process and enhance your appearance? If so, reach out to us today to arrange a convenient time to visit. Our friendly team will be glad to explain the Juvéderm process and start treatment the same day if desired.

Get more information about Paul C. Dillon, MD Inc in Schaumburg at https://www.paulcdillonmd.com.

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